Monday, June 20, 2005

Quote of the Day

I just met with Attorney General Gonzales and right now he is launching a major effort to prosecute the porn industry. He intends to smash these criminal enterprises on the Internet and elsewhere with a special new obscenity strike force. That is the only way to handle hardcore pornographers! - Tony Perkins (Crazy Person)
That's pretty weird, isn't it? I mean, it reminds me of something Trey Parker and Matt Stone would do for South Park.

The Obscenity Strike Force!

I find this odd for a couple of reasons. First of all, porn is legal in the United States. How do you send the Strike Force! after something that is legal?

Not to mention - most people like porn, or at least the personal option to have porn if you want to. It's intended for adults, and most people like the idea that adults can decide for themselves what they like and what they don't like.

Finally, what is it with Republicans and sex? The only reason I ever write about this kind of stuff is because Republicans and Christians are just obsessed with it. Every time you turn around they are raising sexual issues. Try and watch a cartoon and one of them will scream that the animated character is gay. It goes on and on, day after day.

Well, I do know why it is. They are simply not getting enough satisfying sex. You generally don't think about it all that much if you have somebody who rocks your world in the sack.

More exactly, people like Tony Perkins know how to make money. They make money by appealing to a certain base. The base, in this case, is frustrated white people. Tony Perkins may be getting laid every day, and he might not really care about sexual issues. However, he does care about power and money. Therefore, he's smart enough to know that most people have lousy sex lives and he knows that those people hate everyone who has a good sex life.

Send out the Strike Force!

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