At any rate, the Downing Street memo, the reason it's such an item in the news is because it's what spawned this mock impeachment hearing that took place Thursday night in Washington. This is the thing that was chaired by John Conyers, and this is where all the anti-Semitism came out of the mouths of a bunch of Democrats that participated in this thing, and it's that which Howard Dean has now had to go out and say, "Anti-Semitism, why, that's not part of our party," blah, blah.This is a great example of right wing spin. Well, spin is a kind word. It's right wing lying.
The facts: a crazy person in the PUBLIC audience was handing out anti-Semitic literature. The Democratic Congressmen later denounced it when it became an issue.
How does Rush Limbaugh go from the facts, to "out of the mouths of a bunch of Democrats"? It wasn't a "mock impeachment hearing", it was a hearing concerning the Downing Street memos, which is exceptionally important.
Well, it's important to me. Doesn't it make sense to investigate whether or not the President of the United States lied this nation into a war?
Everyone who thinks we should NOT investigate that, raise your hand. I'm just curious which among us would prefer to live in a Stalinist nation, rather than an open and self-critical Democracy.
This is important because most people I know are liberal, they just don't know it. There is a "conventional wisdom" in the general public's consciousness that defines Democrats, Republicans, liberals, and conservatives. Those labels are misrepresented in the conventional wisdom because of the tactics of people like Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Liely, and many on the evangelical Christian right.
How did they skew the conventional wisdom? They lied, just as surely as Rush Limbaugh lied this morning. Those that listen to him just assume he's telling the truth, and now all of those people think that the Democratic Congressmen are anti-Semitic.
What a crock of shit. There is no accountability for a talking head beyond ratings. There are no regulations about lying on public airwaves. There are laws regarding slander, but when you slander the Democratic party, that is an indistinct body and it's not actionable.
Personally, I think John Conyers would make a great running mate for Hillary. Imagine that. The Democrats nominate a white woman for President, and a black man for Vice President. Slam dunk..
The Billy Bob's of this nation will go insane..
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