Ummm... I'm not saying anything.. *sigh*
** update **
Yes, that's the crazy woman on the Kansas school board that is leading the charge to embrace superstitious hooey that has been scientifically disproved. If you want to think "God" created evolution and natural selection, great. That might be a little more reasonable.. It's still insisting on an improvable, but whatever.
I feel like ranting a bit...
Most evil that happens in this world is the result of the human interpretation of God. The only reason there is a God is because we have an awareness that we would prefer not vanish into the ether after we die. We don't want to completely dissolve into the void.
Therefore, human beings make up irrational "beliefs" that help them think they know what happens after they die. That's why they are borderline psychotic. All of the evil that results from religion springs from that one core concept.
If I could be invited on a speaking tour of all the large religious organizations, I would simply tell them this;
Look, you cannot know what happens after you die. You cannot know if there is a God. Beliefs are irrelevant - and just because you believe an improvable does not make it a truism.And then the congregation would proceed to beat me to a pulp - thus confirming the truth of what I've told them.
There is one truth - and the truth is that, in the end, it doesn't matter. What you believe doesn't matter. When you die, you will find out - or not, and not a thing that you do leading up to that is going to make one bit of difference to whether you wink out of existence or if there is something more.
Your pathetic human attempt to explain the existence of the universe is nothing more than a excuse to unleash the greatest horrors that mankind can ever inflict on itself.
What is real, and what you can touch, and know, and interact with, you destroy because of your fear of death. You achieve exactly the opposite of what you strive for.
If there is such a thing as Satan, simple manifest evil, the truth of the history of this race shows that Satan lives in the house of his enemy. You are a tool of Satan, and of that evil. It burns in the hatred of your heart.
Satan is the fear that engulfs you.
It is so obvious to me, and I don't get how so many people could be so blind to the very simple truth of the matter. Organized religion has always been about power and wealth. It's not about "saving souls" or doing good deeds. It's always been about subjugation.
The most twisted of religious people think that without religion, mankind would descend into barbarism. They believe we need religion to be kind to each other. That is simply psychotic.
There is an empathy of biology inherent in all species on this planet. Animals don't have religion, and it's extremely rare that they kill their own. If you need God in your life to be kind to another human, you are clinically a sociopath.
It's not that I'm anti-God. I just don't think that God matters. I would be curious to hear a rational reason why someone think God matters.
Oh.. and a great video of Pat Robertson being just plain evil. It's amazing how many followers he has. Every last one of them a sad and pathetic excuse for a human being.
No fair. I know who this is, too!
I believe in God. I believe God loves everyone, and would want everyone to be treated as equals. I don't know much about other religions, but I do know that Jesus Christ believed in loving each other, helping each other, etc. Nowhere in the Bible is Jesus quoted as saying homosexuality is evil, wrong, whatever. Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus say that science and God can't mix. He did warn about wearing your religion on your sleeve, about judging others, and other things that the "religious" right seem to be doing.
So, while I'm not a member of any organized religion, I believe in God. I think God doesn't make mistakes. We were born the way we were, and we develop our attitudes as we age. I was born straight. I'm not interested in women; never have been. My nephew was born gay. He also is not interested in women; never has been.
Why couldn't God have created the Big Bang that scientists theorize started everything? Maybe God has a sense of wonder, and decided to see how things would turn out? Who are WE to say, as mere mortals?
Okay, I've gone on WAAAAY too long here... But you get my point.
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