Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Quote of the Day

"The trip [to Europe in the 60's] was an experience that has informed the way I look at things. There is a world out there, and people don't look at everything the way we do.

"That trip taught me that everyone should get out of the country and see other parts of the world. It's pretty sad that President Bush the Junior never had the intellectual curiosity to go abroad until he was in office. I still wonder how you can elect a leader of the free world who has never seen the world. For God's sake, the man never even made it to Canada. That's almost impossible. Even drunk on a bet you can make it to Canada.

"If you don't go and see the rest of the world, you don't realize that they have something America does not---and that is culture. We don't have that. We are too young a nation to have a culture. The closest we come is when we leave yogurt in the fridge too long." - Lewis Black
Indeed. I used to think the United States was the center of the universe. I've since traveled in Europe and that changed my point of view.

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