A couple of posts over at the General's blog caught my eye.
And, this is truly bizarre. Apparently the leading candidate to become the new Pope, Cardinal Ratzinger, was a Hitler youth. I'm going to stick by my man Archbishop of Milan, Dionigi Tettamanzi. There even more weirdness behind that guy that I'll explain if/when he wins.
I swear to God, if I tried to make up shit this freaky, I doubt I could do it. What you won't see is a black Pope from Africa.... ain't no way that's going to happen in the next millennium.
Can you believe that? I just can't get over it. I can just picture the priests goose-stepping around Rome. That picture makes me laugh too. Remind you of anybody? I'm thinking the Emperor from Star Wars.. lol
The next story details the trials and tribulation of a fine up-standing heterosexual Senator in Tennessee. Apparently this Senator is a victim of same-sex marriage. He was a leading voice in the "defense of marriage act" in Tenn., but then some homos got married in Massachusetts, and that caused the good Senator to start an affair with a legislative aid. Or something like that..
Anyway, go read the General's letter to the Senator. It's really funny.
** update **
Apparently the General pissed off the readers over at the right wing blog Little Green Footballs. He's getting a lot of death threats. I don't suspect he's too worried though. It's obvious the right wingers have small penis complex. That's why they buy big guns, to make up for having little guns.
I guess that's just another difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives make their point by making shit up, and then when they get really angry, they start threatening death. Sometimes they even cause death when one goes off on a rampage at an abortion clinic.
But - then liberals do stupid things like chaining themselves to trees. They might throw some pies at Ann Coulter. I really think the kids were hoping Ann would eat one of the fucking pies cause she's obviously not had a decent meal in the last 10 years.
The General had a nice response to them, and it makes all the sense in the world to me. I think the General was genuinely reaching out to our friends, just like Oxen.
I have nothing but respect for the LGF minions. Too old or too infirm to fight for our freedoms in Afghanistan or Iraq, they've taken the war to our internal enemies, the seditious bastards who lack respect for Our Leader's Glorious Conservative Christian Cultural Revolution. They don't have to do it. The pilonidal cysts and ingrown toenails that prevented them from joining our military or the Israeli Defense Forces could be used as excuses to sit out the war at home as well, but these fine patriotic minions fight for freedom without regard to their own discomfort.
They pay a tremendous price for their service. Cheeto diets, damp basements, and nagging mothers all take a toll on their physical and mental well-being. Yet they gladly offer up their miserable existence as a sacrifice to a better America, a land where a privileged oligarchy rules as God intended.
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