Woohoo.. it hit my checking account today. I have to admit that owning a home is a pretty good deduction, and Bush's tax cuts give me a few more bucks. Since I don't have any kids, and don't really care about the deficit, today is going to be BUSH day! Never mind that I'm just getting back my own money. It feels like brand new money that I didn't have to do anything for! Tomorrow I'll go back to hating him for screwing YOUR kids.
I did my taxes on-line at H&R block, like I have for the past few years. It's pretty straight forward, and I don't have to send in any papers or anything. All the forms are electronic, and the signature is electronic as well. Then they just dump the money into your account. Not bad...
I think maybe I'll do some research on really big, obscenely expensive TV's. Just to be informed mind you, not that I'm going to blow a large chunk of change on something I wouldn't get a whole lot of use out of anyway.
I just need to buy something..
Thank u for that clarity, I just saw that this AM & was so happy, but scared since I don't meet the criteria for the "stimulus" checks. No one seems to know what this 220 is, but u of course.
Thank u
Happy tax payer
By the way, 031105 is the first half of your social security number - you might want to remove that from your post. :)
No, it's not. It's the day of the payment from the fed.
I rec'd $$$$'s too, but I can not find out why-my tax guy doesnt even know what it is -please let me know the reason I rec'd this in my checking acct.
actually it is the first 6 digits of ssn
^^ lol Tom. Thanks for the info about the check. Wasn't sure if I needed to feel guilty for an IRS snafu. Actually, I wouldn't feel guilty, nevermind.
Dude you got your social in the topic might wanna fix that fast
Life is too short for you to get so worked up over something like this. Relax, take a walk,
have a glass of wine, whatever.
Your anger is through the roof.
I'm just a stranger who cares that you don't have a coronary before you're 50!
As we think, so we speak (or write);
As we speak (or write), so we think.
Lister Sinclair, "A Word in Your Ear"
I think it is funny :-)
Anyway, I got 300 dollars back today, a couple months after getting my tax refund. I didn't even file for that 220 shit, didn't heard it before but believe me I am going to make good use of them.
Take care
We had issues with our 2009 taxes. That is not the first half of his social... we have the same numbers and it is not either one of our san either!
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