So, reading the news and I come across a story about Bill Frist introducing legislation to Congress for the Boy Scouts, which I'll get to in a bit. The story links over to the Traditional Values Coalition web site, which is a right wing religious group. Web site here:
They are "Empowering People of Faith through Knowledge", which seems like an oxymoron to me.
Anyway, I read the article on the boy scouts and then flipped to their main page just to see what's on the minds of these people. I wanted to know what their major world concerns are. Turns out; it's gay sex. Lots and lots of hot sweaty man-on-man action... or something like that.. These are some of their headlines.
TVC Urges Connecticut Churches To Defeat Homosexual Civil Unions Legislation
Homosexual Civil Unions: A Stealth Tactic To Impose Same-Sex Marriage
NY Times/Boston Globe Push Transgender Agenda
They even sell a video - VHS Video: Gay Rights/Special Rights
Only $20.00!
Described as; Gay Rights/Special Rights, produced by Traditional Values Coalition, exposes the homosexual agenda and how it impacts Christianity, the business community, public schools, the Church, Congress and the individual.
They seem pretty obsessed with gay sex. Is that all they think about? Day and night.. night and day.. I doubt Richard Simmons thinks about gay sex that much. I mean, look at the picture of their leader that I posted above. Again, old not-so-attractive white guy. He's gotta be pissed off that he's not getting any, and all those hunky young homos are running around getting all that hot sweaty man-sex. How dare they!
Anyway, the reason I went to that web site was to read a story about Bill Frist introducing legislation in Congress:
March 10, 2005 : Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) will introduce legislation within the next few days to protect the Boy Scouts from unfair discrimination because of its policies on homosexuals and atheists.Oh no.. we can't have any godless heathen homos in the scouts!
Senator Frist's legislation will be aimed at assuring that Boy Scouts are guaranteed equal access to public facilities, forums, and programs.
"The Boy Scouts depend on equal access to public facilities and participation in public programs and forums. This legislation I'll be introducing ensures that the Boy Scouts are treated fairly by guaranteeing their right to equal access to public facilities, forums, and programs," said Sen. Frist. TVC will have more details on this legislation once it's formally introduced.
Okay.. so the scouts are a bunch of narrow minded goofs, but okay, that's fine. It's their club, they can do what they want. I'm not advocating they be forced to accept those that are surely damned to eternal hellfire, and those that are, umm.. maybe playing dress up with Barbie and Ken instead of mock wars with G.I. Joe.
For the record, I had a nice G.I. Joe collection when I was a kid. I had the first Joe with Kung Fu Grip on the block. My nephew David destroyed all my Joe's by pulling them apart - the little bastard! (amazing the small details you remember 25 years later).
But, the issue is the use of tax payer funded facilities. I think the equal protection clause of the Constitution prohibits groups that discriminate from having access to them. After all, atheists and gays pay taxes, and if they aren't allowed in your club, then you can't use the facilities they help fund. Period. It's a pretty simple concept if you ask me.
Oh.. and I was in the scouts. I have some really fond memories of it.. It's a really terrific experience that I think boys should have. All of them..

Guess who? :)
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