Who will the Republicans run against her? John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Frist or Rick Santorum. None of them stand a chance. The only chance the Republican's have is Colin Powell, and he's not interested. Condelezza Rice's name has been mentioned, but she went to great pains the other day to exclude herself. That's probably a smart move. Republican's are far too racist at their core for that. It's one thing to have a black Secretary of State. It would be quite another thing to support a black woman for President. She would loose badly.
Let also not forget that Bill Clinton had higher job ratings when he left office, then George Bush has right now. Bill Clinton will be huge factor. In the years since he's left office, regard for him has only grown. He has exceptionable oratory skills, and that can only benefit Hillary a great deal.
Also, as Americans are still rather sexist, they'll feel better that they're getting Bill Clinton in the same deal with Hillary. They'll think it's almost like electing Bill again.
Yesterday, Hillary inserted her foot into Alan Greenspan's ass, and twisted it off. Ya.. Greenspan was wrong about the tax cuts. Well, duh.
Alan Greenspan and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton clashed briefly Tuesday over rosy surplus forecasts the Federal Reserve chairman relied on to support President Bush's 2001 tax cuts, estimates that turned out to be considerably off the mark.
"It turns out that we were all wrong," Greenspan conceded at a Senate hearing.
"Just for the record, we were not all wrong, but many people were wrong," Clinton, D-N.Y., quickly shot back.
Are you that excited about Hillary Clinton or are you tring to re-elect Bill Clinton? Have you honestly reviewed her background? She leaves a lot to be desired - just curious if you are for her as an individual or if you are trying to relive Bill Clinton?
That's a fair question. I like Hillary Clinton, period.
I am familiar with her background, and I am also very familiar with the right wing smear campaign, and the tactics of the so called "vast right wing conspiracy".
I'll also be extremely pleased because I know it will drive the conservatives and crazy religious freaks absolutely insane. If you tried to pick the one person they would least like to see elected President, it would either be her or Michael Moore.
It's going to be fantastic.
Finally, please sign your posts. I allow anonymous posting to save people the trouble of registering with blogger, but just got your name in the post please.
"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East."
The President channeling God doesn't scare the shit out of you? Between the two, I'll take Hillary every time.
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