Monday, March 07, 2005


So the Bible tells us the earth is 6000 years old. Then some pesky scientists go and discover something that not only dates our planet a wee bit older than 6000 years, but also fills in another piece in the evolution of humans.

Isn't the Bible the unfailable word of God, or something like that?

The fossilised skeleton of a four million-year-old human ancestor able to walk on two legs could provide clues as to how humans' upright walk evolved. The remains, found in north-east Ethiopia, are the oldest yet discovered of an upright hominid, scientists told a press conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Saturday.

"This skeleton helps us to understand what happened in the joints, how walking upright occurred - what we never had before," says Bruce Latimer of the Natural History Museum in Cleveland, Ohio, who made the discovery together with Yohannes Haile Selassie of the National Museum in Addis Ababa.


Ken Grandlund said...


this discussion is also being taken up at mostly in the comments section. if you're curious, take a look...

Tom said...

Thanks for the tip Ken. I'll check it out.

Anonymous said...

READ THE BIBLE THEN SPEAK!!! It Doesn't Say 6k ANYWHERE, that's what some claim but not the BIBLE ITSELF!!!