Thursday, March 10, 2005

I Hate Blogger

My blog is hosted by Blogger, which provides the editing tools I use to post updates and such. It frequently is not accessible, and behaves erratically. Just a little while ago it ate an entire post I spent about 20 minutes on. Normally I would save the text of my post into the Windows buffer before I push the "publish" button, but forgot to that time. Blogger went down, and all my work went out the window.

This type of thing is becoming more prevalent in software development in general. It is unacceptable, and the project managers should be fired. Now, where I work we are held to an extreme high end standard for software quality, because what we do affects patient safety in VA hospitals. Still, the same methodologies should apply to all software development.

You do not release software to the general public (even if it's free) that is bug ridden, and frequently unstable. You just make yourself look like a completely incompetent jackass. What you should do is deliver core components that are rock solid, and then deliver content updates as they are completed and pass rigorous SQA testing.

I f'in hate Blogger. Their programmers are incompetent. Their SQA staff is incompetent. Their project managers are negligent.

p.s. Blogger just tried to eat this post too, but I remembered to copy it into the Windows buffer.

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