Thursday, February 10, 2005


Oh this is rich.. Follow what's going on, and read the mainstream media reports at CNN:

A "news organization" called Talon news, is owned by a Republican activist. A man called Jeff Gannon is a "reporter" for Talon news, and is given press credentials for the White House briefing room. He lobs softball questions to the administration press secretary. He even was called on by President Bush during a recent press conference. But, it turns out his real name is James Guckert. He's not a reporter at all, has no journalism training, has never been involved in journalism.

And.. it gets better.. James Guckert, aka Jeff Gannon to the Washington press corp, also owns several gay porn related domain names, and advertises on AOL for "buddies".

If Bill Clinton were in office, it would be a huge scandal all over the mainstream news media. Bush will get off clean again, even though they are using, and paying, media tools to do their bidding.

Go read the CNN report. It's just funny as shit..

Oh.. in other news, do you know who Alan Keyes is? He's just done something really dumb, but it'll take moment to get to it.

Jack Ryan was running for Senate from Illinois in the last election. He's a Republican, family values and all that type of guy. He's also married, or was, to Jeri Ryan - she of Star Trek Voyager fame. She played a character named Seven of Nine. Both Jack and Jeri are what I like to call "gene pool lottery winners"(tm), or GPLW for short. Both of them have movie star looks.

Well, during the campaign, the Ryan's divorce papers got in the hands of a reporter who just happened to notice that Jeri complained because Jack had a tendency to insist Jeri go to swinger sex clubs with him, and screw other guys. Now, imagine that.... Nice conservative family values, eh?

Soo.. that let the real upstanding candidate, Barack Obama, with a clear shot to the Senate and a win for the Democratic party (Barack did win easily btw). The Republican's scrambled to field a candidate for the election. Who did they pick? Yes, we've come full circle. They picked Alan Keyes.

Now, Alan Keyes is one of those fire and brimstone types of conservative. He's also black, but that really has nothing to do with the current news, or any news for that matter. Keyes is also one of those "family values" types of conservative Republican also... spewing all sorts of hatred about liberals and the gay agenda, and all that stuff. He said all kinds of off the wall things during the election. Obama beat him easily.

So you know something sordid has to be coming, right? Of course..

Keys has a daughter, Maya Keyes. She worked on his campaign, and was employed by her father. So naturally, because karma works, Maya just came out as a lesbian. HaH! You know.. kind of like Dick Cheney has a daughter who is a lesbian. Well, Dick only tried to write an amendment into the United States Constitution, permanently casting second class citizenship on his own daughter (which she is apparently okay with). Alan Keyes did far worse.

Read what his daughter has written. Consider family values, and all that the "conservative" types profess. I'll comment a bit after Maya's letter.

Well, it's happened. Finally and officially.

A couple days ago I got my official two-week warning that I have to be out of this apartment; so finally for real I'm getting cut off. I got no severance or anything like that from my sudden termination of employment (don't I have freedom of speech? the right to protest Bush without losing my job? Hehe... most people would think that working under a parent would be security but for me it's quite the opposite.) and so I definitely don't have anywhere near enough cash to find a new apartment; not even one room rented from someone anywhere. I've been searching craigslist but even places where I'd have enough to pay the first month's rent on some room I never have enough for the deposit as well, so so far I've had no luck at all finding a new home, since shelter requires money. Sad boo.

After all the arguments and tension over the years, I always hoped it would never actually get to this point, although I suppose given our vastly divergent political beliefs it was inevitable.

They say that it should be a source of pride, not of shame, for my parents that I'm so passionate about my beliefs, and work for what I believe in; even if they are not the beliefs my parents hold. They say that the only possible cause for shame anywhere in the whole situation is in the fact that after all this I am being cut off, jobless, soon to be homeless, and that although I have intelligence and motivation I won't be able to go to Brown after all because I have no money.
Nice family, eh? Alan Keyes, the father, is so wrapped up in the insanity of the "moral values" crowd that he would essentially cast his own daughter into oblivion. This is a man who professes to be a Christian. I profess he's just another evil religious freak.

I'm sure that Maya Keyes is not seeing any sort of upshot for her situation. There definitely will be one for her, and very soon I'm sure. All she sees is having no money, no job, no place to live, and no family to turn to. However - she's just earned herself a new family, one that will take care of her. She will receive job offers, a free place to stay, help with tuition, and emotional support.

In time, she will be so much happier being exactly who she is, and was born to be. She will have a whole new family. It's a great day for her. She just needs to get through the rocky start.

Because we - liberals; democrats - care about people, and will help when they need help.

The Republican; conservative; religious freaks - only care about their screwed up ideas of morality, and not people. That is the fundamental difference between the two parties locked in a cultural war in this country.

This is why that I insist that the Democrats remain true to liberal and progressive ideas, and don't give in to those fuckers and shift to the right. We can win the fight when the truth is known.

And one last thought I'll leave you with.... those that screech the loudest about "family values" and "morals".. those are the ones that are hiding something very sinister. It's happened time after time. It's just a matter of time before their hypocrisy is exposed.

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