Monday, February 28, 2005

The Times

I'm sure you've noticed that I like to rail on and on about stupid Americans, and how we could possibly be, seemingly willfully, ignorant of all the huge blunders and probably illegal actions of the Bush administration.

It seems to me that one of the tools of the administration is that by the sheer amount of scandal, Americans become immune to it, and basically ignore everything. I've often said Bush should be in jail. He should - violating international laws, you know, by starting an illegal war. Still, Americans ignore it.

The Moscow Times has something to say...

Via The Moscow Times:

Global Eye -- Core Values
By Chris Floyd

February 25, 2005 -- Day in and day out, patriotic American dissidents on both the left and the right keep shovelling through the bloody muck of the Bush Imperium. The filth is endless, Augean; recently catalogued 34 ongoing major scandals, equalling or surpassing the depravity of Watergate. Yet still the patriots bend to the task, tossing up steaming piles of ugly truth before the public.

And with every loud splattering of fresh Bushflop, there's a flurry of hope that this time, the dirt will stick; this time, the stench of corruption will be so overwhelming that the nation's long-somnolent conscience will be aroused. Yet each time, the rancid slurry just disappears down the drain: The Bushists tell their butt-covering lies, the "watchdogs" of the media wag their tails and all is well again in the land that Gore Vidal so aptly dubbed the United States of Amnesia. No scandal, no matter how outrageous, ever gains any traction.

But there is a simple reason why patriots on both the right and the left are stymied: because the center is rotten to its well-wadded, self-righteous, wilfully ignorant core. We speak here of the nation's "great and good," pillars of the community and stalwarts of the established order, the "captains, merchant bankers, eminent men of letters, the generous patrons of art, the statesmen and the rulers, distinguished civil servants, chairmen of many committees, industrial lords and petty contractors," in T.S. Eliot's words -- to which we might add, as a modern gloss, the highly credentialed academics, extremely well-remunerated corporate journalists, politically wired churchmen and the innumerable massagers of public opinion and commercial desire. --- continued...
That is the question I ask over and over. Do we, as a nation, not realize that Bill Clintion was investigated and impeached, which cost over 70 million dollars, for lying about a blow job? And then we look at the Bush administration, which I think is far more insideous than Nixon, and the reaction is what? What is going on here - and I'm serious. Is it something in the water? It seems like over half this country has been beaten silly with a giant stupid stick.

I, too, keep wondering if the latest scandal will be the one that sticks, and wakes up a sleeping population. The evidence is over whelming. It seems you either have to personally murder dozens of people, be really handsome and murder your pregnent wife, or become a pop star and molest a bunch of kids in order to get the attention of the American public.

We are becoming so passive and accepting of anything the government tells us. It is exactly as Herman Goering said in 1946. They take us to a state of "war", and all bets are off. We are sheep being lead to slaughter.

When the population of the most powerful nation on the earth buries their collective head in the sand, and refuse to hold their leaders to the highest possible measure of conduct, the world is doomed.

The Moscow times is right. The center is rotten - ignorant, lazy, pathetic. That is the core America now. Billy Bob will have his Coors Light at the NASCAR race. Billy Bob doesn't realize he's destroying the world.

Tip to corrente for the linkage

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