Friday, February 25, 2005

Germans get it

So I suppose you've seen the "town hall" sessions that Bush has on occasion. He's been touring around the country touting his Social Security destruction plan.

The funny thing is how warmly he's greeted at these events. It's not surprising considering you have to sign a loyalty oath and be a member of the Third Reich..err.. Republican party to attend. I shit you not - every last person at the events are Bush stooges..err..supporters.

So Bush flies off to Germany and thinks maybe he'll have a town hall meeting. However, the Germans insist that they have a broard spectrum of people attend to ask Bush questions. Does Bush suck it up because he knows he's doing the right thing and can explain his policies sensibly? No.. he cancels the whole thing..

From Der Spiegel:

The much-touted American-style "town hall" meeting the White House has been planning with "normal Germans" of everyday walks of life will be missing during his visit to the Rhine River hamlet of Mainz this afternoon.

A few weeks ago, the Bush administration had declared that the chat -- which could have brought together tradesmen, butchers, bank employees, students and all other types to discuss trans-Atlantic relations -- would be the cornerstone of President George W. Bush's brief trip to Germany [...]

The Germans, though, insisted that a free forum should be exactly that. Wolfgang Ischinger, Germany's Ambassador to the United States, explained to the New York Times last week: "We told them, don't get upset with us if they ask angry questions."
Be under no suspiscion. We are living - nearly - in a facist dictatorship. And American's continue on, blithly unaware.

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