President Bush's budget would more than double the co-payment charged to many veterans for prescription drugs and would require some to pay a new fee of $250 a year for the privilege of using government health care, administration officials said Sunday.The democrats are opposing this. But - I'm curious what the freepers think. Oxen, you still out there?
The proposals, they said, are in the $2.5 trillion budget that Mr. Bush plans to unveil on Monday. White House officials said the budget advanced his goal of cutting the deficit, which hit a record last year.
I think we need all Democrats out addressing the news media, asking why Bush hates our veterans and our military. Why is he trying to correct budget deficits that HE created by dipping in to the pockets of our armed forces members - during a time of war no less.
They are truly evil, the likes of which has never been in the oval office. They do not "support our troops". They send them off to needless wars, interrupt lives, get people killed, and then sock them with extra costs.
Tom, just finished your latest contribution to the edification of the American public and as I was scanning through your musings to the beginning, some entries had a familiar ring. I went back to some of my rantings and sho'nuff' I found the following: Must be a gene thing. Dad
Perspective of an Aging Citizen written November 23, 2003
It's gettin' late: 40 years since John Kennedy was shot. 12:30 p.m. November 22, 1963. Still don't believe Oswald was the lone gunman. Been there and don't think more than one shot could be accurate or even close on a target moving away from you. The war in Iraz has gone to pot somewhat like Vietnam - may go on with nothing resolved and a lot of people dead.
We are spending billions of dollars in Iraq shile many of our people are in great difficulty here, no work and going hungry. We don't seem to have direction from local and national government to provide leadership. No quality people in government. Lots of want to be's but no quality, trustworthy, honest candidates. Where are the Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt and Cabot Lodge types now? We have a Vice-President that canno be found - we look to movie people for leadership???Could it be that the United States has run its course, the land of the free and home of the brave? The rise and fall of empires seem to have diminished in duration as time goes on. Most nations in present times have expired or lost their stature in the world over shorter periods.
The United States due to its size and geographical location may never be attacked in force from a foreign source but is in the process of being overwhelmed by foreign illegal migrants without restraint. Our government, local and national, has no will to address this invasion for political and economic reasons.
The character of the typical American has changed dramatically since the end of WWII from one that was respected and envied by most of the world to one that is hated and ridiculed for its arrogrance and selfish behavior.
Our citizen soldiers, those who looked to reserve military service for its benefits and exclusion from active combat roles complaining about the conditions and exposure to dangerous service when called upon, and doing it publicly on television deserve criticism and discipline and the loss of rank and benefits.
Our national society now requires the use of multiple languages in government publications, the prohibition of any religious references in any public display and now a move is under way to remove an references (in God we trust) from our currency.
The progressive decay of the country is very obvious in any form of endeaver. The jails are full, the only reason there is not more is because there is no room. The political remedy is to increase taxes to provide more money to build more jails to accommodate more inmates. We have become more tolerant of obvious behavior, same sex marriage, stock market fraud, religious transgressions, insanity pleas, drugs, murder, voter fraud and medical fraud, welfare abuse, and countless other problems.
We were a nation of viable, productive, peace loving people who are not afraid of the future and what it holds for our children and theirs. We have no secure country to run to as many foreign nationals perceive the US as a santuaary. So what happens to us next?
Taxpayers' Rebellion (Boston tea party)
Armed insurection
States seceding form the Union
Nuclear Destruction
As in Dr. StrangeLove: We'll meet again (in another world)?? Have a nice day. It would not bode well to ignore the above.
Very nice post. Some I agree with. Some I don't.
I agree that if a person signs up for (reserve) military service, that may be what you actually get - sent to a war. They certainly don't have to like it though. The question becomes then, do they have any first amendment rights to criticize it? I think so.
The telling factor is evidenced in the droves of people that enlisted for WWII. People are staying away from the military in droves now. Why? It's a bullshit war, and we all know it. I think a person has to be pretty delusional to think the war was a good idea for America.
What amazes me is the apathy. I don't believe Americans truly think there is a war on right now. It's quite possibly due to Vietnam claiming some 70,000+ lives and the Iraq body count being under 2,000 right now.
That most American's are hated world wide is a direct responsibility of the Republican party. Observe Bill Clinton traveling the world and he gets mobbed with adoration. Observe Bush I, and nobody cares. Just wait for Bush II to hit the road on diplomatic missions. No, actually, he won't do that - too big a security risk. Oh, and lets not forget Jimmy Carter. He's doing some amazing things, and is beloved world wide.
That is what the Republican party is doing to this country. I've said they are evil - they are and more.
The immigration issue is near and dear to the Republican's also. They've always been pro-business and not pro-labor, so naturally they want cheap labor, even if it's illegal.
The languages published in government documents is small potatoes in the big picture. Removing religious references from government is a good idea. I've already gone to great lengths to document the founding father's view on religion, and I've already documented the principals that this country was founded on, and it's complete lack of religious reference.
Remember - the constitution does not have the word "Jesus" or "God" anywhere in it.
The conservatives want to put religion -into- government, where it never existed. That's what we're fighting. Somehow they've made it seem it was already there, which is blatantly untrue.
The reason this is important is that the United States is not a Christian country, and is made up of people of many different faiths. We respect them by not pushing different faiths in government. Imagine if your a Muslim of middle eastern decent (and an American) and you have to go to a courtroom where the 10 commandments are displayed, and the judge has new testament verses on his robe. How are you going to feel about your ability to get a fair trial?
Religion is just crazy - and it has no place in Government. Govern by reason, not by superstition.
I take offense to describing same-sex marriage as a "problem", along with drugs, murder, fraud, etc. Gay people exist, it's a part of life, and want to have the blessings of marriage just the same as anybody else. Not to mention over 1200 Federal laws benefiting married couples that gay people are denied merely because of their gender.
I could rant about that topic for days, but it would fall on the deaf ears of social regressives. The 50's are over, and the world moves forward. Society is better today than it was 100 years ago, and so on throughout the ages. It's unfortunate that some people are reluctant to move forward allowing everyone peaceful and loving lives.
America is not about white, Christian, heterosexual, American-born, people with children. The diversity is something to be admired, not feared. There's nothing that can be done to stop it anyway.
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