Thursday, July 19, 2012

Holy Fuck

About an hour ago (6:00am), we were dead asleep and Riley started going ape shit. It's not unusual for him to do that if there is a noise outside the house, but within seconds I heard a bang.. being not fully sharp at that point, I thought somebody was in the house and dropped something. My first thought was to lock the bedroom door and call the cops, but instead I went bare ass naked through the house looking for the mother fucker that was trying to steal our shit, prepared to go (naked) Bruce Lee on someone's ass.. (I do have a black belt in karate, believe it or not, but that was years ago).

Nobody was there.

We went out the back door and John says that what Riley heard was a neighbor coming or going from across the alley in the back of the house because John heard the car noise and saw some lights in the alley.

We went back to bed.. and a few seconds later, John gets up and looks in the garage, the garage door is open, and our $95,0000 Mercedes Benz S-550 is gone. That's the noise that I heard.

Fucking fuckers.. It's possible that John left the garage door open. He had his work truck fixed by a local garage, and we went and picked it up this after noon. I drove the Mercedes back and he drove the truck. When Riley heard John get back, I let him out the door so he could go greet John in the drive way, which he likes to do.. and that probably threw John off from remembering to close the garage door. Maybe.

I was totally amped for fighting somebody, and it's going to take a while to calm down.

John and I had both completed the classroom requirements for getting a concealed carry permit, but we haven't filed the paperwork nor bought a gun for each of us. At the time I thought somebody was in the house, I was wishing I had a gun.. but had I looked in the garage first, with a gun in my hand, somebody might be dead.. so it's better that the car is gone and nobody got hurt. It's just a thing.

During the classroom training, the trainer guy (who was obviously very right wing), asked us where we would keep a gun in the house and in what condition. Would we keep it next to the bed, loaded, with a round chambered and the safety off? At the time, I thought that was a little absurd, but thinking about it now... I wouldn't have wanted to go open the safe in the closet, get the gun out, load it, chamber a round, flip the safety off and then go looking for the asshole in the house. It might be different if there were kids in the house, but there aren't.

I think we need to get the gun, even though I detest violence. I was literally and figuratively naked, going through the house convinced there was somebody inside. I didn't even have a baseball bat or any weapon at all.

Damnit.. that was a really nice car even though the inside of the windows were slathered in dog slobber. Riley and Token loved riding in it.

Ultimately, we're okay and we'll get another car at some point since John needs to look the part for his real-estate business.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Asshat Quote of the Day

Have you heard, this new movie, the Batman movie -- what is it, the Dark Knight Lights Up or something? Whatever the name of it is. That's right, Dark Knight Rises, Lights Up, same thing. Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in the Dark Knight Rises is named Bane. B-A-N-E. What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran, and around which there's now this make-believe controversy? Bain. The movie has been in the works for a long time, the release date's been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental, that the name of the really vicious, fire-breathing, four-eyed, whatever-it-is villain in this movie is named Bane? - Rush "Hoes and Oxys" Limbaugh

Never mind that Bane was introduced into the Batman comics in 1993. It's all a Librul Hollywood conspiracy.

You have to give Rush some credit though. He's really not that stupid. The people he's talking to, however, are. They're the Doug Gibbs' of the world... minus the 172 IQ.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Asshat Quote of the Day

Jane Pitt, the mother of actor Brad Pitt, was the target of hateful and misogynistic tweets from pro-abortion liberals after theSpringfield News-Leader published her letter supporting Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Twitchy reported Friday.


Gawker painted her as a "loon," but liberals on Twitter went overboard.

"Time for the Left’s self-proclaimed arbiters of tolerance to teach her a lesson with their hateful, misogynist slurs and death wishes," the staff at Twitchy wrote.

"Brad Pitt's mom, die," wrote "sandy kownacka."

"Brad Pitt's mother can go f**k herself," Patrick Sandberg added.

"Brad Pitt's mom sounds like a bit of a c**t," Twitter user "digital host" wrote.

Twitchy reminded readers that when Obama reverted to his 1996 position supporting gay marriage, liberals on Twitter said those who do not support the President over his gay marriage position should kill themselves.

Now, it seems that if you disagree with liberals, they want you dead.

---------- And this is the party of the peace symbol? - Douglass "V for Victimization" Gibbs

And the inevitably deleted retort;

Because what a handful of self-identified "liberals" write on Twitter represents the view of all liberals.. right?

I suppose it's only fair. After all, I quote you all the time as an example of a "religious conservative" and paint the entire conservative movement based on your views.

It's a great way to skew the perceptions of entire classes of people, isn't it? The difference, I think, is that you really are a great example. Those "liberals" you quoted? Not so much.

Yahoo News Comment of the Day

Swede • 1 min 27 secs ago Report Abuse
To read stories on yahoo you would think the world revolves around homosexuals.Which in their mind it probably does.

And my retort;

Here's the thing you don't understand, Cleetus. Yahoo News drops a cookie on your computer. It keeps track of the type of stories you read, and it shows you more and more of them as time goes on - because you show a preference for reading on that topic. If you read a bunch of stories on baseball, you'll start seeing a lot of baseball articles and think that all Yahoo cares about is baseball.

That's the reason why you see all the gay themed articles on Yahoo. It's because you read them and comment. This is because you have "issues". Well adjusted heterosexuals do not fixate on gay themes the way you do, and thus most heterosexuals are not seeing all the gay themed articles on yahoo.

In other words.. it's time to come out of the closet.

People are so stupid it's a good thing for them that breathing is autonomic.

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Catholicism is Evil, Part XXXIV

The fuck?

Last month we started a petition in support of Sanal Edamaruku, the President of the Indian Rationalist Association facing charges of “deliberately hurting religious feelings" over his exposure of a supposed miracle at a Catholic church in Mumbai. Edamaruku pointed out on TV that the source of "holy water" dripping from a crucifix in the church was in fact a leaky pipe, and this prompted three local Catholic organisations with close connections to the Catholic Archdiocese of Bombay to file complaints against him with the police.

Holy shit.. they can throw you in jail for hurting somebody's feelings? I thought the world had moved past this bullshit. At least the guy was able to get the fuck out of Dodge before they came for him.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Skinny Ass Wiggle Butt

Riley and Token are at the groomers today.. and while they wait for their turn in the chair, they get to hang out with the other dogs. They have cameras that you can watch on your phone or PC.

Riley is being greeted in the usual canine manner.


The dogs came home late in the afternoon, ate some food, and went to bed. Riley normally puts himself to bed in his crate at 10:30 like clockwork. We have no idea how he knows what time it is. Today must have just been exhausting..

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Liar for Christ

A demonstration of how disgusting Doug really is...

Liberal Tom and Yellow Flag, now that evidence has surfaced that Paterno may have actively worked to cover up Sandusky's despicable crimes, are demanding that I go back to my previous writings and admit I was wrong for "defending a pedophile enabler."

For the record, I didn't "demand" a thing.. I never accused Doug of "defending a pedophile enabler". He just made that up. All I did was read an article about Paterno's involvement in the Sandusky crimes, and posted the link (without any comment) on his blog. It was simply to give him an update to the story.

Because Doug is a serial liar, he has to turn his attacks on me instead of what the story was all about. Go read it for yourself. He has absolutely nothing to say about Paterno now, other than to continue to obfuscate.

Paterno may have actively worked to cover up Sandusky's despicable crimes

No.. I didn't accuse Doug of defending Paterno when I dropped that link on the horror show that is his blog. Doug demonstrates that just fine by completely avoiding the subject and deflecting his ire on me. That's just how he works.. He doesn't quote me if he argues a point I've made.. he doesn't link back to my own writing, which I do for his.. for obvious reasons. Doug is his own worst enemy, and continues to be the best example of a scumbag religious freak fighting some paranoid war in the most cowardly way possible. I want people to read the shit he's pushing because the more people see it, the more crazy the right wing freaks appear.

If I could get 3 billion people to read his blog, I'd do it in a flash.. sadly.. I can't. Hell, he's trying to make a career out of that (and running for political office lol), and his blog is dead as most of his brain cells, despite that 172 IQ claim.

Frankly, it's a comedy... and Doug is the star of the show.

I've never pretended that my little slice of the blogosphere was anything other than random musings and a convenient place to make fun of religious loons. I don't give a shit if anybody reads it, but if some do, I hope it can at least be a little bit entertaining from time to time.

But the one thing I never.. ever.. do.. is lie. I quote.. I link.. I argue. These are concepts that cowards like Doug don't understand. He lives in a world of paranoid fantasies, of the secret boogeyman living under his bed, and the liberals that are going to ruin a nation that has never existed as he thinks it did.

God damn he's a piece of work.


Just testing this out.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012


Glenn Greenwald makes a very good point about American citizens advocating the violent over-throw of the US government.

Greenwald asks if Obama shouldn't just order killed a tea party member, who wrote;

To resist by all means that are right in the eyes of God is not rebellion or insurrection, it is patriotic resistance to invasion.

May all of us fall on our faces before the Heavenly Judge, repent of our sins, and humbly cry out to Him for mercy on our country. And, may godly courageous leaders rise up in His wisdom and power to lead us in displacing the criminal invaders from their seats and restore our constitutional republic.

Now who does that sound like? Hmmmm?

Shouldn't Doug Gibbs be on Obama's "kill list"? Just send in a Navy SEAL and Bin Laden him.. right?

After all, that's what Obama had done to Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. al-Awlaki was advocating the exact same thing that these tea baggers, and Doug, are advocating. Why would it make any difference if al-Awlaki was in Yemen, and Doug is in California? An American's constitutional rights do not end at the border.

In other words.. Obama should be indicted and tried for murder, just the same as if he ordered any other American killed for simply speaking about, or advocating, an armed insurrection.

This truly is the the pivotal issue of what defines the United States. Can you speak your mind, or will they blow your brains out because of what you say?

I know the health care law faces a serious threat of being repealed should Romney win the election and the Republicans control both houses of Congress. I think the law sucks in broad terms, but it does have a few good features. So, should I support Obama because of that, or should I support Romney because Obama is a war criminal?

Tough choice.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Quote of the Day

“I just hope you guys haven’t become disillusioned. If things continue as they have so far, I’ll be the first sitting president in modern history to be outspent in his reelection campaign.” Barack "Duh" Obama

That's the idea, asshole. If you hadn't been such an awful president, we wouldn't be "disillusioned" and we'd send you a bunch of fucking money.

Difficult concept.. I know.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Asshat Quote of the Day

However, I am also a realist, and my guns are loaded - just in case.

Only 3% of the population fought against the British in the American Revolution. The government may have bigger guns, but we have more of them.

God help us as we enter uncharted territory. - Douglass "hey there sailor, nice gun" Gibbs
I'm amused when the Loon Brigade implies that if they get pushed too far, they're going to start killing federal employees. Of course, Doug is too big a coward to actually say.. "we'll get our guns and start killing people in the government", so he phrases it as if he's Mel Gibson in the Patriot. You know.. push me too far, and.. and.. you've pushed me to far and I'm going to kick your ass.

Except, you know.. they won't. They're cowards living in a fantasy world. He's not going to load his gun and shoot some Americans in a glorious war to reclaim America for Jesus. He just wants people to think he has some balls. The truth is, his balls have shriveled up decades ago.. at about the time that 172 IQ got knocked out of his beautiful mind.

How fucking sick do you have to be to even contemplate getting your guns ready to go kill other Americans because you don't like the way the politics is going in the nation?

Wait.. I know the answer to that. Really, really, fucking sick.


Oh look... a Doug post. Yeah.. I sorta read through some of his recent posts. It's the same exact shit he was writing 6 months ago. He could automatic his blog by just having it repost crap from 2 years ago over and over.